- Livernet: Efficient and robust deep learning model for automatic diagnosis of sub-types of liver Hepatocellularcarcinoma cancer from H&E stained liver histopathology images
Anirudh Ashok Aatresh, Kumar Alabhya, Shyam Lal, Jyoti Kini, and PU Prakash Saxena.
International Journal of ComputerAssisted Radiology and Surgery, 16(9):1549–1563, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-021-02410-4.
- Efficient deep learning architecture with dimension-wise pyramid pooling for nuclei segmentation of histopathology images
Anirudh Ashok Aatresh, Rohit Prashant Yatgiri, Amit Kumar Chanchal, Aman Kumar, Akansh Ravi,Devikalyan Das, Raghavendra BS, Shyam Lal, and Jyoti Kini.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, page 101975, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compmedimag.2021.101975.